Aug 7, 2019

A look inside Common Thread Co-operative

A look inside Common Thread Co-operative

Common Thread, Executive Director, Anna du Bois, was good enough to meet with CIRE's staff last month and give them a tour of their facilities. Come take a look at their wonderful space!

For those who are not very familiar with what Common Thread does apart from making conference bags and sewing other items for customers, they have three programs:

Craftworks is a program that supports people with complex multiple barriers (such as intellectual disabilities, life-long mental health barriers, physical disabilities and other health related barriers) who are not able to work on a regular basis. The program provides opportunities for participants to create craft items and receive supplemental income. Homebound individuals are also able to participate in the program.


Threadworks is an industrial sewing training program that equips participants who have complex health and social challenges with sewing skills and helps them find employment or establish a home-based business. Threadworks also addresses the skills shortage in the local sewing manufacturing industry.

The Production Program supports people with complex health issues and basic industrial sewing skills to fulfill customer orders and receive supplemental income. Many of the participants in the program are graduates from the Threadworks program. The Production Program has been designed to accommodate the needs of people with complex intellectual and physical challenges as a flexible workplace. Participants work when they are able and are not penalized or dismissed if they miss work due to their health problems or other challenges.

Visit their Etsy shop to get your hands on any of the following stuffies and other beautiful items made by the Craftworks Program participants. 

Etsy Shop

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