Latest News

News about our tenants, the impact of our portfolio, and stories at the intersection of community and real estate.


Jun 17, 2024

How CIRES Supports VOKRA in Rescuing Vancouver’s Orphan Cats and Kittens

May 21, 2024

David will be deeply missed

Apr 11, 2024

Join Us in Making a Difference

Jan 18, 2024

Preserving Affordable Commercial Spaces

Jan 4, 2024

Driving Local Economic Development

Dec 18, 2023

CIRES: Shaping the Future in 2023 and Beyond

Dec 14, 2023

Commercial Real Estate as a Tool for Action

Nov 6, 2023

CIRES Disrupts the Commercial Real Estate Industry

Oct 12, 2023

Building Vibrant Communities Through Intentional Leasing 

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