Latest News

News about our tenants, the impact of our portfolio, and stories at the intersection of community and real estate.

Brave Technology Coop

Jun 7, 2019

Brave Technology Coop | Investing in developing potential life saving technologies

Executive Director Appointment Announcement

May 30, 2019

Executive Director Appointment Announcement

Social Procurement Symposium & Social Enterprise Trade Show

May 3, 2019

Social Procurement Symposium & Social Enterprise Trade Show at The Anjok

Social Value Fund Contribution

Apr 9, 2019

Social Value Fund Contribution

Community Learning Events

Mar 22, 2019

Community Learning Events | A conversation with Nancy Neamtan

Bursary fund for Groundswell Education Society

Mar 18, 2019

Bursary fund for Groundswell Education Society

Thank You Note from Common Thread

Mar 11, 2019

Thank You Note from Common Thread (formerly Craftworks)

Vancouver co-working space is 100% for non-profits

Feb 22, 2019

Vancouver co-working space is 100% for non-profits

We are seeking an Executive Director

Feb 12, 2019

We are seeking an Executive Director

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