Mar 12, 2020

DTES Social Enterprises coming together amid COVID-19 Pandemic

DTES Social Enterprises coming together amid COVID-19 Pandemic

In a collaborative effort with other DTES Social Enterprises, CIRES is working on being present at the table with the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Coastal Health to ensure DTES residents are at the forefront of a coordinated community response.

CIRES Executive Director, Steve Johnston and Landon Hoyt, Director of the Binners Project had an open and productive conversation with fellow Directors and CEO’s of other DTES social enterprises to discuss potential action plans and talk about the challenges and opportunities that may arise amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

These organizations are thinking largely about the impacts on their members especially those over the age of 50 and have pre-existing health issues – which as we know is a high-risk group.

Thankfully and for the most part, business for these social enterprises is proceeding as usual and their clients should not experience any service delivery disruptions as a result of COVID-19.

Should you have any questions or concerns about service disruptions or what measures they are implementing to keep their members and the people who serve safe; please reach out to them directly.

If you are a social enterprise in the DTES and would like to participate, please contact us directly.

Here are the DTES social enterprises which were in attendance:



312 Main

The Cleaning Solution

Mission Possible

Potluck Catering 


Binners Project

While the risk associated with COVID-19 to the public is still considered low in BC, we continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds and will be taking additional precautions as necessary.

For the latest information on the COVID-19 click here.

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